奇情的程度使我想起日本的Belladonna,被压抑的情欲是很中国的东西,中国人才能欣赏和谅解。技术上有些太粗糙了,今夜无人入睡有些镜头的人物动作做了motion capture有些却直接图片平移,显得完成度不高。旁白太文绉绉,有来不及做完用logline填补空缺的嫌疑。
ok i know this is about fighting for the gay rights, but this show is fucked up! miss honey is into some ethnic trade, she likes them so much she had to adopt one (who's really bad at acting btw). and the other qween, who's been super insecure about her life for the past 15 yrs or so LITERALLY dropped dead at the end. miss honey didn't even drop a tear and then she's just decided to carry on with a nurse dude... i was like, girl this is just too many things! #badediting #baddrama